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Page 8

  Each time I try to speak, the mystery woman smacks me with something. Sometimes her acts feel good; other times I regret the day I ever cheated on my wife. I’ve called out for Tosha several times, and she hasn’t shown up yet. I keep asking this psycho who she is, but she hasn’t uttered a word. I’ve tried to be still since it seems that my squirming fuels more rage. However, this bitch is not being gentle at all I don’t know how much more I can take. Right now, I just want to go home.

  Chapter 22

  The Chamber

  Tyrone hung naked with his arms stretched above his head and his wrists cuffed together. His legs were stretched apart, and his ankles were chained to two beams that were across from each other. His mouth was filled with a leather gag. Every time he tried to pull on the chains in an attempt to break free, his madam would strike him with a wooden paddle that had leather wrapped around it tightly. After every strike, Tyrone let out a moan that sent waves of lust through his madam’s body. Watching his sexy, dark ass cheeks flex from the pain made Queen want to punish him even more for what he had done to his wife and the other two ladies. She wanted him to feel the pain that he caused those women when he used them as mere sex toys.

  Madam would make him feel good by rubbing vigorously on his erect penis. Then, she would make him feel violated by lubing her fingers and milking his erection away. She could tell that he was exhausted from the whippings, erections, and milking. However, she had a duty to avenge the pain that he had caused so many women over the years. She wanted him to see what it felt like to experience pleasure that’s quickly replaced with embarrassment and pain. The walls of the chamber were clear, which allowed others to view the concubine as he received his punishments. This was a pleasurable experience for some of the passersby. Loud moans echoed through the hallways as they pleasured themselves while watching the concubines suffer the consequences of hurting their women.

  Tyrone was in for a long ride. His wife and his two mistresses were each going to have a turn with him over the next few days. Since he was so addicted to sex, Queen wanted to show him how bad overindulgence can be. He thought he had it made in the shade when he was running game on his wife and the other women. Madam was going to play a game of roulette with him. She started by clamping one testicle to each thigh. She also put duct tape in sporadic places on his hairy chest and abs. Tyrone’s eyelids were pinned open to the point that he couldn’t even blink, and his long dreads were tied around a spinning stripper pole. Each time Madam pressed the button on the remote, the pole would spin and wrap his hair more tightly around the pole, which pulled his head back even more.

  There was an attachment that extended from the pole. It was positioned right above Tyrone’s head and contained several eye droppers that were filled with hot sauce, bleach, salt water, soapy water, and acid. The roulette wheel listed different acts to be performed on the concubine. The acts ranged from eye drops to oral pleasure to electrocution and free spins. When Madam took the first spin, Tyrone’s heart began to beat so rapidly that the heart monitor that was connected to him for safety began to beep loudly. This angered Madam.

  “So, you’re afraid of a little game of roulette, yet you played games with the hearts of three women?! You were such a macho man and playa playa when you thought you would get away with hurting your wife for the umpteenth time! You weren’t afraid of putting your dick in so many women! Were you? Huh?! Oh, I forgot… You can’t answer because of the balls in your mouth. You can’t even nod your head for fear of being squirted in the eye either. Ha,” Madam said with an angry, sarcastic chuckle. “Just relax. I may land on the spot that tells me to remove one of the torture items from you.”

  As the wheel spun around for what seemed like forever, Tyrone began to sweat profusely. The wheel began to slow down and looked like it would land on him receiving some head from Madam. His dick began to throb at the thought of her wet mouth on him. The wheel slowed more and more, and Tyrone thought he was in luck as it stopped on the spot he had hoped for. He smiled as his erect dick stood at attention and waited for Madam to please him. She walked over to him very slowly and sensually. She stood so close that his hardness pressed into her stomach. She slowly went down into a squatting position and retrieved a jar of honey from the supply table that was right next to where Tyrone was restrained.

  Madam began to pour honey all over Tyrone’s erection. As the honey dripped from his tip, she caught it on her tongue. He throbbed more and more as he anticipated her tongue. Before he knew anything, he felt strong, painful stings all over his no longer erect penis! There had been a few bees flying around in the honey jar, and they were now inflicting a pain like no other on Tyrone. Tyrone continued to moan and groan, and Madam just stood back and watched him suffer. She knew that the bees couldn’t sting him more than once and that the pain would just be temporary. She was getting a kick out of seeing him whimper, whine, and beg for her help. While he ranted and raved, she relaxed with a glass of wine and thought about her torturing plans for later.

  Chapter 23


  Being in control of Tyrone’s feelings has given me some sort of renewed strength. I’m getting a real kick out of watching him squirm and beg for mercy. He finally even apologized for any pain that he has caused me. I don’t know if he’s being sincere or if he just wants me to call off the bees. Either way, it’s the first apology I’ve gotten from him. All of the times he cheated on me, he’s blamed it on the alcohol and swore he didn’t know what he was doing. I pathetically believed him and continued my life as the wife that wasn’t good enough to have a faithful husband. I always knew that I deserved better, but I allowed him to control me. Well, I’m in control today. I tell him when he can move, speak, cum, feel pain, or do anything.

  “Are you tired of the pain yet?” I asked as I took over Queen’s session with Tyrone.

  “Yeah… Please stop,” he said between breaths.

  “Yeah? Did you say ‘yeah’ and fail to address me as Madam?”

  “Madam… Please stop, Madam. I can’t breathe. The bees… I’m… allergic… to the bees.”

  “And, I’m allergic to heartache and pain,” I said as I watched him gasp for air.

  I no longer felt a connection to him. I no longer cared about his pain. I only cared about making him feel what I feel. I couldn’t breathe when I saw his emails with that Cheyenne bitch. I felt pain when I knew he was sleeping with the bitch down the street from us. Did he care about my pain? Did he have a desire to quit and let me catch my breath before he continued to hurt me? No! He just continued to cheat as I suffered through it all. Now is his time to suffer. Now is his time to feel pain.

  Once he began to look lethargic, I decided to gather the bees back into the jar. As much as I wanted to hurt him more, I still couldn’t bring myself to let him die. I pulled out an epi-pen and stabbed his thigh with it. Within in seconds, he seemed to be more alert. That only allowed me to take that bit of energy from him with my next act.

  “Now that you’ve made a comeback, I’d like to welcome a couple of friends to the show,” I said as I opened the door and let Cheyenne and Marissa enter the room. “You remember my nail technician, don’t you? Maybe you know her business partner and best friend, Cheyenne. Seeing that you played them like you played me, I felt that it was only fair to let them have a turn with you. As your wife, I’m in control! These bitches will only do what I tell them to do to my husband. Now, Cheyenne…”

  “Yes, Madam.”

  “I want you to choke my husband while you kiss him forcefully.”

  “Yes, Madam,” she said as she walked over to Tyrone, removed the gag, and grabbed him by the neck. She began to kiss him softly as she gently gripped his neck.

  “Cheyenne! I did not tell you to make love to my husband! I told you to choke that motherfucker while you kiss him vigorously! I know you’re just a nail tech, but that means kiss the motherfucker hard and choke the shit out of him! Do I need to punish you?” I asked as I walked over and pushe
d her face into Tyrone’s. “Kiss him! Bite him! Choke him! Have your way with him!”

  “Yes, Madam,” she said as she began to do as she was told.

  Tyrone was still weak from the bee stings, so I knew he wasn’t getting any enjoyment from it. Still, I watched Cheyenne make out with my husband. I figured it was time to turn things up a notch since he and every other man on earth likes the idea of a threesome.

  “Marissa,” I said as I walked over and gripped her ass.

  “Yes, Madam?” she said uncomfortably.

  “How many times did you fuck my husband?”

  “I don’t remember, Madam.”

  “You fucked him so many times that you lost count, huh?”

  “I wouldn’t say that.”

  “So you’re calling me a liar?”

  “No madam.”

  “So I’m telling the truth?” I asked as my grip tightened on her ass.

  “Yes, madam. I lost count,” she said and dropped her head in shame.

  “Now is not the time to be embarrassed. Now is the time to face your shameful acts and find healing through my husband’s submission. What was his favorite position with you?”

  “He loved doggy style, Madam. He said that he loved looking at my ass.”

  “Ha! He told me the same thing each time we followed the exact same sex routine for sixteen years. We would start with him eating me. Then, he’d straddle my face and shove his dick down my throat for a few pumps. After that, he would pull me to the edge of the bed, spread my legs, and begin stroking me in and out for about a minute. Next, he would go down and eat me some more. I guess that was to stop him from cumming prematurely. Then, he would flip me over and moan and groan while hitting me from the back. Sometimes he’d oil my ass and rub it like a crystal ball. Other times, he’s just slap it hard as fuck and grab my hair or my neck while he fucked me harder. Did he do that to you? Did my husband fuck you the same way?” I asked softly in her ear, letting my tongue graze her ear lobe.

  “Yes, Madam,” she said as she exhaled gently.

  “Do I make you nervous, Marissa?”

  “Uh… yes… um… no. No Madam.”

  “Make up your mind! Do I make you nervous, Marissa?!”

  “No Madam.”

  “Do I seem mad, Marissa?”

  “I wouldn’t say ‘mad’ Madam.”

  “Well, what would you call it?” I asked.

  “I’d say you’re hurt or fed up with Tyrone’s lies.”

  “You seem like a smart girl. I want you to do to my husband whatever he did to you. Did he fuck you doggy style?”

  “Yes Madam.”

  “Fuck my husband doggy style,” I said as I walked behind her and helped her strap on a big black dildo. “Cheyenne, that’s enough. Let him come up for air. He’ll need it for this next act.”

  While Marissa adjusted the strap-on, Cheyenne and I untied Tyrone and repositioned him on all fours on top of the velvet ottoman as he tried to resist us. He was still weak from the other acts, so it was easy for us to overpower him.

  “Get on your knees!” I commanded. “You’re a crazy bitch! I’m not about to let her fuck me in my ass. Hell no!” he said as he continued to struggle with us.

  “Get on your knees right now or I will cut your dick off! You made me crazy!” I said as I pulled a knife from the thigh holster attached to my costume. “And, you need to address me as Madam, or I will begin to cut your hair strand by strand. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yeah, whatever,” he mumbled.

  “I guess you think this is a game!” I said as I snatched one of his dreads and sliced it from his head. “Now, do you believe me?”

  “Yes Madam! Shit!”

  “That’s more like it. Cheyenne, lube my husband’s asshole please. I don’t want Marissa to hurt him. Be sure to apply lube inside as well. It seems that Marissa has something really big and black waiting for him. It actually resembles the same dick we all shared. Well, Cheyenne, you didn’t get your turn with him, but that’s what it looks like,” I said. “Loosen up, honey. If you just relax, it won’t hurt as bad. Isn’t that what you told me each time you wanted to have anal sex? Marissa, you may enter,” I said and let out a loud laugh.

  Marissa walked behind Tyrone and began to rub her dildo up and down his asshole just as he did me so many times before.

  “Talk to him. Tell him the things he said to you, Marissa. I want to hear it. I need to know if my husband said the same things to you that he said to me. Talk to him while you fuck him,” I said as I felt myself being turned on at the sight of Tyrone with another woman. “Cheyenne, let Tyrone nibble on your breasts to help him endure the pain that he’s about to feel when Marissa thrusts her dick inside him. Marissa, fuck him!”

  As Cheyenne positioned herself to allow Tyrone to use her breasts as comfort during his violation, Marissa shoved her dildo into his ass. He let out a loud scream, and I laughed uncontrollably.

  “Can’t take it, huh? That’s how I felt each time you insisted on me letting you explore your sexual fantasies. I don’t know if anal hurt worse than the cheating, but they were definitely running neck and neck. Shut the fuck the up with that noise and take that dick! Marissa, let’s give him some more lube,” I said as I walked up behind her and began to rub lube all over her dildo.

  I put more lube on my fingers and gently massaged inside his ass.

  “Do you like that, honey? You seem to be loosening up,” I said as I continued to massage him with Marissa standing between us. “You have all of us here together. Is this how you envisioned it, babe?”

  “No… Fuck no!” he said.

  “Are we forgetting something?”

  “Madam! No Madam! This is not how I envisioned it. Look, I’m sorry. Okay? I’ve told you a million times! I’m sorry! Just get the fuck away from my ass, man. Damn!”

  “Tell me how this makes you feel, Tyrone,” I asked as Marissa resumed fucking him. “Do you like this? Does it hurt? Do you feel ashamed? How do you feel about these people watching you be humiliated by the person you vowed to love forever? It’s not a good feeling is it!? Don’t you want to die?! Don’t you wish the pain would end?! You never thought I would do this to you, huh? Marissa, keep fucking my husband until I tell you to stop!” I said as I began to cry.

  I needed Tyrone and so many other men to feel our pain. I wanted him to hurt like my mother, grandmother, aunts, sisters, and friends all hurt. Still, as much as I wanted revenge, I had to make it stop.

  “That’s enough! Get out! I don’t want you near my husband ever again. Leave!” I yelled as I sat on the floor and cried.

  Marissa and Cheyenne quickly left the room, and I untied Tyrone’s wrists and ankles. I just couldn’t continue to hurt him. Once again, he was in control.

  Chapter 24


  Things continued to get weirder after the run-in with Tyrone. His wife invited me to dinner so we could talk. She even asked that Cheyenne join us. We agreed to meet with her because there was no way that she could kick both of our asses at the same time. While at dinner, she offered us some money to join her and her husband at a retreat. Cheyenne was game because it was going to be a free ride and she didn’t care about Tyrone as much as I did. I gave it some thought and finally agreed to do it.

  After getting the details of her plans, I was hesitant again. Then, she offered us five thousand dollars apiece to help her get revenge on her husband. She assured us that she didn’t have plans to kill him and that we would actually find peace with our relationships with him. Since the shop still needed the renovations and we no longer had a guy to do it, we took the money and paid a different contractor.

  When we got to the retreat, it turned out to be a dominance and submission place. Cheyenne and I wanted to make a run for it, but we signed a contract agreeing to submit to Tosha’s commands and remain quiet about the events that took place there.

  I let her control me in the room, but what she didn’t know is that I really wan
ted to take that dildo and shoved it down her throat for talking to me the way she did. She’s acting like she was the only person hurt by her damn husband. Had she had better control of him, none of us would have been in that predicament in the first place. Cheyenne and I actually have plans for her since she wants to keep in touch. She made us do things that were far worse than what we did in college. That poor Tyrone is going to need some real therapy after what we did to him. That’s what his ass gets – literally.

  Chapter 25


  Watching Tosha crying uncontrollably after her session with Tyrone and his two women left me feeling dissatisfied. Usually, women find pleasure in getting revenge on their husbands, but Tosha was different. She truly loves him unconditionally. I can’t say that she isn’t crazy for almost killing him with the bees and the repeated pain that she inflicted on him, but I can say that she loves him. Thankfully, I never allowed myself to love any man like that. I was born with a hatred for them because of their evil, whorish ways. I’ve had my share of men, but there was never any real passion with them. I just needed them for sex, gifts, and money. I never loved any of them.

  My mother loved my father, and that didn’t stop him from raping her. My sisters loved their husbands, and that didn’t stop the men from cheating or even making passes at women in the family. My friends loved their husbands, and that didn’t stop the men from inboxing other women inappropriately. In my line of business, the therapy sessions usually work if the women really want to find healing. If the women are weak, they won’t heal. They will end up like Tosha, feeling sorry for themselves and guilty for doing unto their husbands what they did unto them. Tosha’s revenge acts likely got Tyrone’s attention. He’ll behave for a while, but I can guarantee he will revert to his old ways within two years.