Daddy Issues Page 7
Chapter 17
The Queendom
When the group of wives and mistresses arrived at the queendom, they were impressed by the beautiful palace. The Queendom was a 20,000 square foot mansion on forty acres of land. The house appeared to be three stories tall, but the underground basement could not be seen from outside. The bright green grass stretched for miles and flowed with the hills of the land. There was a beautiful sculpture of Queen sitting on the throne dressed in Nubian attire. The sculpture was atop a beautiful fountain that glowed with a rainbow of neon colors at night. The long driveway was aligned with beautiful magnolia tree and rose bushes. Sexy men with sculpted bodies and gorgeous hues that ranged from dark chocolate to gold caramel worked the grounds. They served as yard men, pool cleaners, butlers, cooks, and anything else Queen instructed them to be. These men were either Queen’s concubines or the exes of some of her clients. They were permanent residents of the Queendom, and they made no arguments about it.
As the ladies stepped out of the limousine that transported them from Vivian McQueen’s office, they were greeted by a chocolate man with broad shoulders and a bald head. He was a mixture of Kem and Joe, and he had the brightest smile and most beautiful lips that the ladies had ever seen. Between looking at him and looking at the limo driver who had a dark caramel skin tone with juicy lips, deep dimples, and sexy dreadlocks with blonde tips, the ladies didn’t know if they wanted to stay in the car or fall into the arms of the Joe lookalike. The aroma of YSL and the sexy tailored suit on “Joe” lured the ladies out of the car and toward the huge double doors that led to main entrance of the home.
The nine-foot tall Cherrywood doors added a Victorian appearance to the house. When the ladies entered the foyer, they were blown away by the beautiful crown molding that was engraved with various images of Nubian kings and queens. The shiny red and black marble floor contained specks of gold. The area was the size of an office, and everything was placed perfectly in its own spot. The scent of lavender gave a calming feeling as Kem’s voice harmonized through the sound system of the Queendom. While the ladies oooed and aaahed at the beauty of the foyer, Queen seemed to appear out of nowhere. She was adorned in a long, form-fitting black dress that showed off her perfect sized breasts, nice hips, and round ass. Her hair was pulled back into an elegant bun. She wore a black sequined mask that covered half of her face. Her eyes were familiar to the ladies, but they couldn’t figure out her identity behind the mask. After standing and watching the ladies for a moment, Queen finally spoke in a bold yet sultry tone.
“Good afternoon, ladies. Welcome to the Queendom. Today, I will give you a tour of most of the areas of the Queendom. I advise you to pay close attention, because I will not repeat myself. When I am speaking, you are only listening. You are not allowed to ask me any questions, so I suggest that you get a partner and put your pea brains together. During your speaking period at the end of the tour, you will address me as Queen or Madam only. Should you decide to break any of the rules of the tour, be prepared to enter my quarters where I will punish you.
“You are here because you were not able to control your men just as your mothers weren’t able to control your fathers. Some of your husbands cheated on you, some of your husbands physically abused you, and some of your boyfriends were married to some of the ladies in this group. As you know, Vivian McQueen’s office conducted a full investigation on you and your mates. The wives were given an automatic pass to come here. However, the mistresses had to prove that they did not know the men were married. Mistresses, you are here because you deserve healing as well. Ladies, understand that your method of healing is up to you. As you read in the handbook that was provided to you at your last counseling session with Viv, you are responsible for getting your husband or her husband to come to the Queendom. I suggest that you refer to it as a retreat or resort instead of by the actual name.
“Sometimes things get a little dangerous here. For that reason, we have a medical team and a team of morticians on the premises. Hopefully, we won’t need the latter, but shit happens. Unfortunately, the men that caused you so much pain don’t always seem to find pleasure in the pain that is inflicted upon them. I see some of you are smiling and some of you of look like you’ve seen a ghost. For those of you that seem to be afraid, remember the contract you signed, and get over it. It is time for you to heal.
“There are four levels to the Queendom. The top floor is off limits without an invitation. The second floor is reserved for dinner parties and other events. Anyone who attends an event here is bound to a non-disclosure contract. At some point, you may see someone you know from your church, school, supermarket, law office, or wherever. My advice is that you focus on your own healing process and let them focus on theirs. The first floor is the spa area. This is where everyone relaxes and rejuvenates. There are three pools, two Jacuzzis, two saunas, a workout facility, a wine vault, and a cigar lounge on this floor. The chamber where all of the action takes place is located on the ground floor. There is only one elevator that leads to that area. I will disclose the location of that elevator when you arrive for your first day of healing. There are six identical bathrooms on each floor, one kitchen on each floor, and many other rooms and bedrooms that you will see in due time. Here is one of the bathrooms.”
Queen twisted the golden doorknob and entered the bathroom located at the end of the hallway. The ladies followed closely behind her. They were blown away by the beauty of the golden shower, faucets, toilet, bathtub, and shower head. The shower was large enough to hold at least ten people. There were ten shower heads. While the main faucet turned on the water, each shower head controlled its own temperature. The women whispered that they had never seen such an immaculate bathroom before. Queen let them take in the moment, and then she proceeded with the tour of the rest of the house.
The ladies followed closely behind her, and they hung onto every word she spoke. The nervousness of some of the women began to subside. They all seemed more eager to begin their sessions with Queen as they followed behind her like puppies. She continued to give them the house rules as she glanced at each of them periodically to check their demeanors. Queen wastes no time with fickle women. She expects them to have some strength after the sessions with Vivian. Any signs of weakness or indecisiveness will result in them being excused from the tour.
Chapter 18
My meeting with Vivian McQueen was kind of different. She didn’t say much, but she did something that was very questionable. It almost seemed as if she was coming on to me at some point, but I couldn’t really tell if that was the case. I just know that she made me feel uncomfortable yet curious. After I gave her a briefing of what’s been going on with my marriage, she asked me to cancel my plans for the evening to take a ride with her. I hesitated at first, but my curiosity made me do as she said.
When we got into her car, I almost changed my mind about going with her. She was a stranger that I had just met, and I didn’t know why I was in her car or where we were even going. I just knew that I wanted to be in her presence for a while longer. I wanted to know more about her services and how she could help me regain control of my marriage. As we drove towards Highway One, I watched how Vivian caressed the steering so delicately. It was as if she was giving it a sensual massage. We didn’t say much on the ride to wherever. We just kept making awkward eye contact and quickly glancing away.
After what seemed like a forty-five-minute drive, we approached a mansion that was surrounded by a humongous wroth iron fence. When we pulled up to the call box, Vivian entered a code, and the door of the gate began to open. She proceeded to pull forward.
“Is this your home?” I asked, wondering why we would be at her house.
“This is where your therapy sessions will take place should you decide to sign up for our services,” she replied as she continued down the winding driveway that was lined with beautiful magnolia trees.
“Wow, this place is gorgeous. I’m sure it’s ver
y easy to find healing here,” I said as I looked around and admired the beautiful landscaping and sexy men working in the yard.
Vivian must have noticed me drooling over the guys because she began to explain their positions to me.
“Those men are at the disposal of the Queendom,” she began.
“Yes, this is the Queendom. Those men do what they are told to do at the Queendom. They work both inside and outside of the home until they are told to rest. If they lack in any way, they are punished,” she said.
“Yes, punished. Did you leave that non-disclosure agreement on Maria’s desk?”
“Yes, I did. Why?”
“Great. You seem a bit uptight, so I want to be sure that you remember the terms of our preliminary agreement. I’d hate to have to loosen you up so soon,” she said with a wink.
I quickly diverted my eyes and replied, “Yes, I remember everything.”
Vivian pulled up in front of the house, and a couple of men appeared out of nowhere to open our doors. When we got out of the car, I followed her to the front door of the house. There must have been an automatic sensor on the door because it opened as soon as we walked up. An older gentleman that looked to be Jamaican greeted us as we entered to foyer. I nodded my head but never parted my lips as I continued to follow Vivian towards the back of the house. She led me to an elevator, and we took it to the ground floor. Once we were down there, we entered into a dark area that was illuminated by black lights and neon lights.
There were several hallways in this area, and there were lots of windows that showed the contents of the rooms. Each room had different items in them, but they all seemed to serve the same purpose. It looked as if we were in some sort of dominatrix torture chamber or something. Still, I didn’t say a word as we walked through the area. I simply followed Vivian’s lead. She finally spoke and broke the silence.
“So, what are you thinking?”
“I really don’t know,” I said. “I’m just observing. Wondering… Looking…”
“What are you wondering? Don’t be afraid to ask questions.”
“What is this place? On the outside, it looks like a nice mansion. Even the first level is beautiful. This area isn’t ugly, but it’s definitely different from the parts of the house I’ve seen. Is this some sort of torture chamber?” I asked.
“I wouldn’t call it a torture chamber,” she chuckled. “I’d say that it’s more of our healing headquarters.”
“Healing headquarters? Am I supposed to use these items to find healing?” I asked.
“Yes. Of course, you wouldn’t be in the room alone. What kind of sick place do you think this is? Your husband will likely join you if you decide to hire us.”
“Oh, that’s another thing. When we’re here, you will refer to me as Queen, Ma’am, or Madam. Failure to do so will result in punishment,” she said without a cracking a smile.
There’s that damn punishment word again. Either this bitch is crazy, or I’m crazy for coming here with her ass. I don’t know where the hell we are, but some weird shit has to take place down here. Then, she’s talking about me bringing my husband here. How the fuck does she propose I do that?
“Uh okay. So is this like some dominatrix shit or what? And, how do I get my husband to come here. I don’t think he’s into this kind of stuff. Hell, I’m not even into it.”
“When you speak with him about it, you’ll refer to it as a retreat. You may not be into it now, but after a few icebreaker exercises and a recap of your marriage, I’m sure you’ll find a way to use the equipment for healing purposes. Do you have any other questions for me?”
“No, not at this time.”
“Well, we can head on back to town. Hopefully, you’ll be returning here within the next couple of weeks. I’ll give you some time to decide,” she said as we got back into her car and headed back to her office.
Once again, I rode in silence. I was trying to take in what I had just seen. I was also deciding if I was going through with her healing process or not. My curious side was really getting the best of me today. On top of that, Tyrone’s cheating ways are getting out of hand. I just hope I make the right decision for the sake of my sanity.
Chapter 19
A couple of weeks have passed since Tyrone got caught up. Cheyenne and I have continued business as usual, and we’ve avoided talking about the ordeal since it happened. We talked about it that evening, but we left it alone from there. Part of me thinks she’s still talking to him, and the other part of me doesn’t even care. I just know that I feel like such an idiot for the umpteenth time in my adult life, and I’m never dating again. I won’t continue to subject myself to the bullshit and lies of these sorry ass men. If I didn’t love dick so much, I’d even consider become a damn lesbian. Then again, women are crazy as fuck, too. I get on my own damn nerves sometimes, so I know another bitch would, too.
Tyrone has called me millions of times, and I’ve ignored and blocked each call. He even called from strange numbers, unknown numbers, and blocked numbers. Each time yielded the same result – blocked. There’s nothing he can say to me. He played my best friend in the whole world and me at the same time. Plus, his ass is married just as I suspected. He’s messed me up so badly that I don’t even want to ride through downtown so I won’t risk running into his ass. I even have a newfound hatred for asparagus, potatoes, and steak.
Oh, and I wrote a negative review on that organic food store. They didn’t do anything to me, but that’s where I got the food for my date with the liar. Therefore, they must suffer the results of that date as well. That damn pole has been snatched down and tucked away forever, too. I still have questions about this whole ordeal, but I don’t want to give him the chance to lie to me again. I even wonder if Cheyenne knew and never said anything. My thoughts are all over the place, but I just keep busy to stop myself from drowning. So far, I’ve done well. I just need him to quit calling, and I need to trust Cheyenne again. I believe she’s innocent, but I don’t put shit past anyone. They say time heals all wounds. I guess I’m going to need a lifetime, because this pain is unreal. I really feel like I should get payback on him, and I think I know just who to call.
Chapter 20
After visiting the Queendom with Vivian a couple of weeks ago, I’m convinced that I’m ready to find healing and peace with my marital issues. Tyrone has been surprisingly kind to me since my visit to Shreveport. It’s like he’s a new man or something. He’s been home more often, and he even cooks and cleans around the house. It’s like a switch flipped inside of him or something. Still, I’m going through with my plans to take him to the Queendom. I’m excited to see what all that place has to offer. Tyrone agreed to visit the resort with me, so Vivian has us scheduled to be there all of next week.
Although Vivian couldn’t disclose much information to me, she did tell me that a scorned woman would be joining us at the retreat. At first, I was uneasy with that idea because I get this gay vibe from Vivian. However, I’m assuming it’s the friend of the chick who did my nails. If she was also hurt by my husband, I guess she does deserve to find peace as well. Vivian assured me that she would let me call the shots though. Tyrone is my husband, and I have endured the most pain from him. The least I could receive is control of the revenge on him.
I’m really not sure what I hope to gain from this experience. Part of me wants to just let it go and forget everything I know about his infidelity. I just want to live my life as I have created in my mind – a nice home, loving husband, beautiful kids, and unlimited resources. Then, there’s that part of me that knows I deserve better than to be cheated on and humiliated every day of my life. That part of me wants Tyrone to feel my pain in every way imaginable. That part of me wants him to suffer until he can’t suffer anymore and he’s begging to die. I want him to wish he no longer existed like I’ve wished so many times b
efore. I want him to hate his life and the curse that has been on the relationships in his family. I want him to hurt, to cry, and to want to die. That’s exactly what he’ll feel in a few short days.
Chapter 21
I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into Tosha’s ass, but she has me at some weird ass sex place getting fucked up by some bitch in a costume. I can’t see any parts of her face, and I don’t know where the hell Tosha is. For all I know, it could be her crazy ass behind that mask. What I do know is that this has to be my last day living. With all the shit this crazy muthafucka is putting me through, I don’t think I can last much longer. She has all sorts of jumper cables hooked up to my nipples and nuts, and she keeps sticking gay ass shit up my ass. Each time she does something to me, she keeps talking about the cheating I’ve done in the past.
Tosha told me we were going to a retreat, but I think we’re at that place that the counselor sends women to all the time. All I know is one minute we were pulling up to a nice ass mansion in the country. We were greeted with fresh lemonade and cookies and shit. The next thing I know, I’m waking up in a dark ass room with my arms tied up and my legs spread eagle. There’s even some weird music playing and people staring at me through windows all around this room. Some of the sick fucks are masturbating as they’re staring into my eyes. Others are just staring, pointing, and laughing. It’s like they find humor in my humiliation.