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Daddy Issues Page 3

  Unfortunately, Tyrone won’t be able to join me on my trip. He has a huge contract with the city, and the rain has set them back a few days. I damn sure wanted to show him off to my boughetto ass cousins from L.A. They love to rent dates and brag about all of the movies they’ve been in or the red carpet affairs they’ve attended. I know there’s no way that those bad-built bitches can land such successful men like that without either paying for them, sucking for them, or begging for some damn charity work. Anyway, I’ll just pack my bottle of tequila, and let it be my date for the weekend.

  Working with Cheyenne has been great over this ten-year span. She’s become more like family than a business partner. Between our busy schedules and Tyrone’s big contracts, I haven’t gotten the chance to introduce them to each other. Tyrone is the sweetest man I’ve ever met, and Cheyenne is cool as a fan. I know she’ll definitely approve of him for me. I mean, I don’t need her approval to date, but she’s like a sister to me, and her opinion really does matter. Maybe I can cook dinner when I return from my trip and invite them both over. Hopefully, we’ll be able to synchronize our watches for a few hours. I’m sure Cheyenne will have a list of questions to ensure that Tyrone is good enough for me.

  Tyrone and I have been dating for a couple of months, and I still don’t know much about him. I’ve never been to his house before, but he’s been to mine. We’ve had sex several times, but he never spends the night. He has to wake up really early to head to the construction sites, and he doesn’t want to disturb my sleep. Therefore, he stays until I fall asleep, and then he lets himself out. He’s always considerate of my time and feelings. He’s very gentle, and a beast in the sheets. I feel my feelings growing for him, but I don’t want to set myself up to be hurt again. I can get Cheyenne to ask him all of the questions that have been brewing in my mind. Meanwhile, I’m just going to take it slowly and enjoy the moments with him. I miss him when he’s not around for a few days. So I know this trip may be a little tough for me. Maybe I’ll swing by the construction site before I head to the airport. I could use a few kisses on his smooth, soft, full lips. I love the way he nibbles on my bottom lip and sucks on my tongue each time we connect. To top off his sexiness, his long dreads always smell so good. I love the way he throws his head back to remove them from his face before he kisses me. Hell, on second thought, by the way my panties are getting wet, I may need to skip the kiss before I mess around and miss my damn flight. I’ll just call him when I’m on my way to the airport.

  Chapter 5


  My mystery shopper’s strong presence left me feeling some type of way. So I decided to skip the queendom and head to the gym to release the tension. When my clients sign up for services with me, I ask them to provide me with a picture of them with their spouses. They think it’s for me to see an image of happiness in their marriages. However, it’s my way of finding out what their husbands look like so I can have Medgar keep an eye on them. Their behavior in the streets determines their punishment level with Queen. Some of the women are skeptical to release the photos, but I assure them that everything is confidential. Sometimes if they need a bit of extra persuading, Queen might come up behind them and reach down in their… purses to retrieve a picture. Needless to say, I know what all of my clients’ husbands look like.

  During my ride to the gym, I couldn’t help but think about Mrs. Black’s presence in my office. Something about her eyes made me feel like I’ve met her before. Unless she has a twin, I know that I know this lady from somewhere. I need Medgar to hurry up with those DNA results. He said that he’d process them instantly, but that’s not even fast enough for me. Maybe I’ll be more relaxed after my workout. In fact, since my gym is downtown, I’m going to park my car a few blocks away from the gym and jog there to get warmed up. The nice spring breeze is perfect for a run anyway. I just hope those construction workers are too busy to bother me today.

  Once I parked my car, I quickly stretched my legs, turned on Kem Radio on Pandora, inserted my ear buds, and took off down Travis Street. There wasn’t much traffic since lunch time was over. The sound of Kem singing Love Calls was already taking my mind to another place. It’s just something about his sexy voice that removes all of my worries and stress. I’ve heard people complain that all of songs sound the same. However, it’s just the uniqueness of his voice that makes you quickly realize who’s singing. I don’t think his songs sound the same. His voice is just unchanging, and it has soothed me countless times. Therefore, I’m a bit defensive if I hear anyone speak ill of Kem.

  Apparently I was running a bit faster than a jog, because Love Calls wasn’t even halfway through, and I was already approaching the construction site near Travis Street and Edwards Street. As much as I hated passing through that area, Kem had me feeling sexy, and the breeze was blowing through my long ponytail just right. I decided to humor the boys that day. A little fun never hurt anyone. Besides, Queen could definitely use another victim. I saw a tall dark one that looked like he needed to be tamed anyway. I slowed my jog down just a little bit to get a better look. His arms and complexion were a plus. I wondered what his hair was like under that hard hat.

  Just as I got closer to the site, my target reached for his hat as if he was about to remove it. Suddenly, an older man in a white button down shirt approached, and my target dropped his hands to his sides. Damn, I thought to myself. I was so close to getting a better glimpse of my soon to be concubine. I assumed that was another contractor because the man was holding a clipboard, and he appeared to be requesting something from my victim. They finished the conversation, and the older man walked off. Although there was a nice breeze out, Louisiana weather brings a bit of heat with every season. This time, the heat worked in my favor, because my victim removed his hat. As soon as he did, I lost my footing and hit the ground! I couldn’t believe my eyes!

  I was staring at none other than Mrs. Black! Yes, Mrs. Black is a damn man! In fact, she or he or whatever… is the same damn man that whistled at me a couple of months ago when I was downtown. That’s why his ass… her ass… whoever’s ass looked so damn familiar to me this afternoon in my office! My instincts never lie. I can’t wait to reach Medgar to find out more about this motherfucker. What kind of shit is this? What is this Mrs. Black up to? Whatever it is, I can’t let him see me. I have to play it cool, despite the fact that I just crawled into this office building in the middle of the afternoon.

  My damn ankle was killing me, but I needed to figure out how the hell I was gonna get out of that damn building without Black seeing me… I called Maria to come pick me up and take me to my car. As soon as I hung up with her, I called Medgar because I needed the results of that fucking DNA test on “Mrs. Black.” When I gave it more thought, I remembered that Medgar has a rapid response test that takes about two hours for processing. It had actually been three hours, so he should have had something for me. I needed answers asap.

  Chapter 6


  As I was printing the results of the DNA test that Vivian requested earlier, her name flashed across the screen of my ringing cell phone. I was actually glad that she was calling, because I was most certain that she told me that her client was a female. However, the results of the test revealed that she is a he. It looked like my friend may have a bigger mystery on her hands. She’s going to trip even more when she learns that this fool is married. With all of Vivian’s daddy issues, I just know that she’s going to be livid. I hope this doesn’t awaken Queen, because that bitch is something else…

  “Medgar!” Vivian yelled before I could even place my phone up to my ear.

  “Hey girl! I was actually about to call you… Is everything okay?” I asked because it seemed that she needed to tell me something that couldn’t wait.

  “Um… let’s see… Fuck no everything is NOT okay! I’m sitting on a broken bench downtown with a swollen ankle and bruised ego! I just busted my ass running because I accidentally ran into that damn client that I called you about
earlier. Have you gotten the results of the test?”

  “Wow, I hope you’re okay. Do I need to come get you?” I asked trying to prolong releasing the results.

  “No, but thanks. Maria is actually on her way to get me. Have you processed that DNA yet? I think that Mrs. Black is actually a man. Unless she has an identical twin brother, I’m pretty sure I just saw her… his ass working at a construction site downtown.”

  “Well, since you’re already sitting down. I guess I can confirm that you are right. I was just printing the results when you called. Mrs. Black is indeed a man – a married man at that. His real name is Tyrone Blackshire. He has been married to Tosha Gay Blackshire for fifteen years, and they have three teenage kids together. He owns a construction company, and he works back and forth between Shreveport and Chicago. His family actually lives in Chicago. He and his wife have had a shaky marriage because she always catches him cheating or being inappropriate with women. Tosha actually kicked one of his mistresses’ ass and landed herself a battery case. Her reason for kicking the lady’s ass was included in the report.”

  “Damn, that system sure does pull up every detail on folks. That’s why I’m glad to have you on my team.”

  “Well, you know court records are public information. Do you have any idea why he came to visit you? Does his wife’s name sound familiar? What are you gonna do about this person? Whatever you do, just please make sure Queen doesn’t drive you to killing anybody this time.”

  “Believe it or not, I have no idea how I’m going to handle this. No, his wife’s name does not sound familiar. Did the system display a picture of her, by chance?”

  “Actually, it did. My fax machine is down right now, and I’m headed out of town for a few days. I’ll leave a note for my secretary to fax it to you as soon as it’s back up. You just make sure you control Queen,” I said half-jokingly, but so serious.

  The last time Viv got angry, Queen tortured a man so bad that he needed stitches in his backside. I can’t say that he didn’t deserve it though. He was a deacon at the church, and he was caught trying to rape an under aged girl. The child’s mother took her to Vivian for counseling. Somehow Vivian got them to release a picture of him, and Queen handled the rest.

  “Queen and I will be okay. Besides, we can’t move prematurely. I need to figure out what’s really going on right now. You enjoy your trip. I’ll wait for your secretary to call me. Meanwhile, I need to book a flight to Chicago,” Vivian said as we both said goodbye and hung up.

  I guess I’ll be hearing the explosion with that new information by the time I return from my business trip. Maybe I’ll get my secretary to prolong sending the file over. Then again, Viv is going to do the fool now or later. Considering that my fax machine isn’t really broken, I’ll send it right over and put Viv on auto-block for a few days. I may as well get this shit out of the way now and hope that it has died down by the time I get back.

  Chapter 7


  My husband is cheating on me. I’ve known for a long time, but I chose to ignore it. That’s what my mom and aunts did. They ignored when their husbands were running the streets with other women, because all of their bills were paid. They also enjoyed nice houses, luxury vehicles, and expensive jewelry. I guess that was compensation for turning a blind eye to their cheating ways and a deaf ear to being called the wrong name during sex. I really don’t understand how they easily accepted their husbands – the men who vowed to love and respect them – giving their love, time, and sex to some tramp in the streets.

  Every time Tyrone boards the plane to Louisiana, I wonder if he has another family there or if he really is working his construction business. I’ve considered following him, but I’m not really sure if I’m ready to face the music. I thought about hiring a private detective to follow him around. I would have to use someone that lives in Shreveport because I can’t afford to fly one there from Chicago and pay for their services. I may even start getting counseling. I’ll use a fake name because I’m not sure who all he knows in Louisiana.

  When I was at the nail salon, I overheard some women discussing a great counselor in Louisiana that either helps you repair your marriage, or she empowers you to handle your man properly. The way they stressed the word handle made me even more curious about her services - especially since Tyrone has been handling that hoe Debbie down the street for the past six months. I see the way they look at each other when we attend the monthly neighborhood association meetings. It’s like they can’t wait to tear each other apart again. On top of that, each household brings a covered dish, and she just happens to always bring one of Tyrone’s favorite dishes.

  This motherfucker doesn’t even like to eat from other folks’ houses, but he insists on tasting whatever she brings. I’m sure that’s not all he’s tasting. Her ass brought some rice pilaf to the first meeting she attended. I was late coming to the meeting, but when I walked up I saw his ass in her face saying how much he liked rice pilaf. He was sure to stress the word like so his tongue could lick his top lip. Everyone in the room saw it happening, and they elbowed each other and whispered.

  At the time, that bitch didn’t know he was married. Therefore, she didn’t see the crowd part as I made my way towards them. She was enjoying the show, so she had the nerve to position her fork to feed my husband. Before she could meet his mouth, I took that whole plate and smashed it in his face. Then, I said, “That’s how you feed the motherfucker!” As he stood there cleaning up the mixture of rice, snot, and blood from his face, she tried to jump up like she wanted to do something. I let that hoe know that he’s my husband and her best option was to sit down and stay out of this shit. She politely took her seat and looked the other way.

  Meanwhile, he stood there with an ass look on his face as he cleaned himself up. I politely grabbed my shit and left. You could have heard a rat piss on cotton as I walked out the door. That was one of the many times that he’s embarrassed me by flirting with other women in my presence, but it damn sure wasn’t the last. He assures me that he’s not interested in them; he just likes to flirt. However, I can’t talk to the mailman for more than thirty seconds before he brings his ass down the driveway to chime in on the conversation. I actually like that he gets jealous, but I wish he would stop the flirting and cheating. I really love my husband, and I want my marriage to work. He’s the only man that I’ve ever been with sexually. I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself if he left me.

  My husband is truly irresistible. He’s 6’3” tall with long dreadlocks and smooth chocolate skin. His body is athletic and his muscles are firm from the heavy lifting and construction work. I try to keep my 5’6” 160-pound frame looking right. My natural TWA fits my pretty caramel face perfectly. The sexual chemistry still flows between us, but he just can’t seem to remember our commitment to each other. I’ve tried counseling with him. We’ve gone on vacation with other couples. I’ve even installed a spinning pole in our bedroom, and I’m not afraid to climb to the top and work my way back down. However, he’s just not satisfied with having just me.

  My girlfriends have offered suggestions on how I can please him. Candy suggested that I give him a threesome. She even offered to join us. She said that it would be best if I included one of my friends because I know they won’t hurt me by sneaking around with him. I’ve been considering the idea. A threesome was something that my mom and aunts would never do, and their husbands continued to mess around on them. Maybe if I give Tyrone one, he’ll see that I’ll do anything for him. My best friend Amber thinks I’m crazy for thinking like that, but what does she know? She can barely keep a man herself. Candy is beautiful and outgoing, and all the men love her. I think she has the right idea about my marriage. I just might take her up on her offer.

  Our anniversary is approaching, and I keep hinting around at wanting to take a trip to celebrate our sixteenth year of marriage. Tyrone claims he has to work and won’t be able to take the trip. Part of me believes that he’s trying to surpri
se me for a change. The other part of me hopes he won’t disappoint me once again. Either way, I need to get to Louisiana to see that counselor. I try so hard to be a good wife, and he insists on living life just for himself. I feel so weak and hopeless, but it’s what I’m supposed to do. He’s given me the finer things like this house, any car I’ve ever wanted, jewelry, and so much more. The least I could do is allow him a little freedom. I know we’ve been married for over a decade now, but he will eventually get it out of his system. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to be strong as I try to save my marriage and fight off his bitches. Maybe Vivian McQueen can help me figure it all out.

  Chapter 8


  I have an addiction to women. I have been married for sixteen years, but I can’t seem to be faithful to my wife. She’s a great mother, a great wife, a great cook, and a great lover. Yet, that’s not enough for me. My cheating ways have gotten me into so much shit over the years, but there’s just something about the feeling of new pussy that has a hold on me. I’m currently juggling three women, including my wife. It’s easy for me to balance the three relationships because my two side pieces live in Shreveport where I work, and my wife never leaves Chicago for anything. I had a fourth one that lived down the street, but I had to leave her alone after my wife shoved food in my face because she caught her feeding me. Debbie is still very tempting, but I know Tosha would kill her if I got caught up with her again. I’m not worried about her hurting me or leaving me, because she loves me too much ever do anything like that.